Transport to School

Transport to school

If you are under 16

The law says that some children need help with transport to school. (This law is called the Education Act 1996) These children have to be eligible.

Are you eligible?

Is your nearest suitable school further than the Statutory Walking Distance? For 5-8 year olds this is 2 miles, for 8-16 year olds this is 3 miles?

Can your family get Free School Meals and Working Tax Credits?

Is it hard to walk to school because of a disability, special educational needs, or mobility needs.

Is your walk to school dangerous, and your parents can’t walk with you?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, your Local Authority may be able to help you with transport to school.

To find out more, you can:

  • Ask SENDIASS for more information and advice or
  • Look on the Rotherham Council website for the “Request an Assessment for Home to School Transport” form.

If you are over 16

When you have finished Year 11, the rules about transport change.
Students aged 16 or over are not entitled to help with transport.

You may still be eligible.

If you think you may be eligible you can ask to be assessed to find out.

Who is eligible?

You will be assessed to see if you need transport because of:

  • Communication and Interaction Difficulties
  • Cognition and Learning Difficulties
  • Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/ or Physical Needs

If you have any of these needs, and they would make it hard for you to travel to college or a work placement, your Local Authority may be able to help you.

To find out more, you can: