What is Rotherham SENDIASS
Rotherham SENDIASS
What is Rotherham SENDIASS?
- Special
- Educational
- Needs and
- Disabilities
- Information
- Advice and
- Support
- Services
Rotherham SENDIASS is impartial
Impartial means we are not on anyone’s side. We are not on the council’s side. We are not on your school’s side. We are not on your parents’ side. We listen to you and give you the information you need, without taking sides.
Rotherham SENDIASS is confidential
Confidential means you can talk to us and ask us not to tell anyone else what you said. (If we are worried that you are at risk, because of what you tell us, we may have to tell someone else, to keep you safe.) The SENDIASS Young Person’s Information Officer is here for you.
Who can you talk to if you are worried?
You could talk to your parents or carers. They might be able to help you, or know someone who can. Your school will have a SEND co-ordinator (SENCO). You could talk to your SENCO, teacher, or head teacher to try to sort things out. If you still have not fixed your problems, there will be other places to go to for advice. SENDIASS can advise you at any time. SENDIASS can:
- Listen to you if you are worried.
- Find information to help you make decisions.
- Explain your rights and the law.
- Help you think about what to do next.
- Go with you to meetings, or support you preparing for them.
- Help you read reports, letters and plans.
- Tell you about other people or services who can help.
Call or text Rotherham SENDIASS and talk to a Young Person’s Information Officer: 01709 823627 or 07795811405