SENDIASS Evaluation Report

SENDIASS Evaluation report


Rotherham SENDIASS was launched in April 2015 and was built on the Rotherham Parent Partnership Service which had been established since 1994. The service evaluates its offer by asking service users to complete a service questionnaire.

Open and closed questions and value judgements have been used in all questionnaires.  Not all questions have been answered by respondents, and some have responded to more than one point within the same question. The percentage figure has been calculated according to the number of respondents for that question.  

It is not possible to compare figures this year to that of last as the service had unfortunately omitted to send out evaluations to all service users. As soon as this error was identified, action was taken to ensure this was not the case for this financial year. As such, any comparison is based on the financial year of 2020/21